With so many different recipes out there coming from many different dietary theories, how can we make changes to our everyday eating that will make a difference.
Here are two small ideas that can make a big difference to how your waistline looks in a few months to years.

Addition cooking:
How can we get more good stuff into the food we are eating? Simply by adding more fresh ingredients into your daily eating. These may seem like little changes (and yes that is the point!) but when you start adding more good things into your diet it means there is less room for not so good foods.
Adding spinach and/or flax oil to a banana smoothie
Adding cauliflower to mashed potato (no one will know)
Adding canned lentils or oats to hamburger patties or meatballs
Adding chopped broccoli and spring onions to your omelette
Adding pureed pumpkin to turkey mince recipes to make tasty creamy sauce
Switch things up:
This approach works really well when it comes to still having some of the foods you love. Keep in mind that some of the foods that your body really craves are sometimes the foods that are doing the most harm. There is always something new to trail when it comes to food so pop your creative hat on and your recipe knowledge will expand.
Switch out half the flour in a recipe and using almond meal instead
Switch ice cream for pureed frozen banana or pureed frozen berries
Switch store bought snack to making your own healthy snacks at home
Switch potato for other vegetables like swede or pumpkin
Switch fruit juices or soft drinks for water